Nony Mitchell

November 4, 2006

Saturday Morning

Filed under: News and politics,Personal,Random Thoughts — Nony @ 12:18 pm

Sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop seems to have become a Saturday morning ritual. Coffee, computer and an endless supply of political bullshit to read…what a way to start a weekend. Oh well, I enjoy myself

Kind of got myself into a pickle yesterday at work. Dubya was in Joplin for a political rally for Missouri senator “no-Talent” as my Dad calls him. One of the teachers in another room had turned on the television to the coverage – thankfully I have no television in my room, so I couldn’t be expected to do the same. Anyway, as the students began filing out of her room and into mine, one of them said, “did you see that Bush is in Joplin?” To which I replied, “that’s one reason I am glad am in City-X.” Talk about opening mouth and inserting foot. I always pride myself in the fact that I try to be completely neutral in the social studies class. I strive to present both sides of issues and even go so far as to remind student that we don’t put each other down for our opinions

So what do I do…I make an off the cuff remark. Oh well, nobody can be perfect…we can only try to be a good person and realize that sometimes we are going to screw up.

Anyway…time to return to reading the news…

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