Nony Mitchell

November 28, 2006

Christmas lights…

Filed under: Random Thoughts,Social Commentary — Nony @ 8:39 pm

The lights have been hung…yeah!!!! When the weather takes its scheduled nose dive temperature wise I will not feel the need to go outside. I was going to hold off on finishing the job until the coming weekend, but then I discovered the impending shift in temperature and remembered freezing my hind end off last year.

I have a bad habit of procrastinating. I acknowledge this problem and I am trying to fix it…but change is not easy and sometimes I fall into old habits…what can I say, I am human. Everyone has flaws…oh and if you think you don’t, let me point out your biggest flaw…delusions of grandeur.

People are not perfect…perfect is boring…perfect never experiences the roller coaster because they never make a mistake or change their mind…

Oh well…the Christmas lights look good and I actually managed to side step procrastinating myself into a frozen ass.

November 25, 2006

Buy Nothing…hmmmm

Filed under: Random Thoughts,Social Commentary — Nony @ 8:01 am

So you know that yesterday I avoided the malls, stores, and any form of retail outlet. I did this because being in the middle of all that pushing and shoving just does not stir up a great holiday spirit for me. Anyway, I was listening to the NPR news summary this morning and I heard about the women who have been pushing this “Buy Nothing” day. Which you know, for the reasons they explain it, isn’t too bad of an idea.

On the other hand though, I have come to realize that for some people this whole shopping thing is like a drug. They have to participate in the rush of having people trampling all over them. They have to go for that bargain. They need to have at least one gift to give that would have cost them more if they had not gone out on Black Friday.

The whole process is like a drug that sneaks up on them once a year and shakes them out of their senses. It sends them scurrying into the malls. Like the lemmings, they rush through this way and that grabbing anything in their path. This urge to shop is the reason why some people (who rightfully need them) have a year’s supply of nose hair clippers, tie tacks or Bathroom readers.

But you know if you pull yourself back from wondering about this whole thing and look at the big picture… At least the need only hits once, maybe twice a year. Very few people end up dead because of it, as compared with other addictive behaviors. Plus there is the added benefit that if you happen to be related to or be friends with one of the addicts you tend to find some pretty cool stuff under the tree…and I don’t know about you, but I’ll sit through the “do you know what I had to get that,” war story anytime for an IPOD that I currently can’t afford to get for myself.

Oh, I may sound a bit cynical, but hey it’s an opinion, take it, leave it, trash it…you know what they say about opinions…

November 24, 2006

Shopping…I don’t think so…

Filed under: Random Thoughts,Social Commentary — Nony @ 11:58 am


So I am really, really glad that I have long since abandoned the quest for the after Thanksgiving holiday shopping bargain. I would not even dream of wanting to be trapped in the middle of all of this mess.
I guess to some, my attitude may really suck…but I just can not even comprehend the need to make a purchase so bad that I would subject myself to pushing and shoving. Hey, if it is your thing than more power to you…I am just not going to go out there and put up with all of that mess.

November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Laugh

Filed under: Humor,Random Thoughts — Nony @ 9:06 am

So I was doing some mindless cruising this morning and found this video.

What can I say…I had to laugh.  It’s totally and completely offensive to some, but oh well…sometimes that is just the way it is.

November 22, 2006

Medication Day 1

Filed under: Health,Personal,Random Thoughts — Nony @ 7:53 am

I know that I can not expect any notable results today, but just the idea that I probably know what is wrong and that I am now taking medication for it lifts my mood. Last evening my doctor’s office contacted me to let me know that I do indeed have Hypothyroid.

After months of watching my weight go up, of feeling like I was losing my damn mind, of wanting to do nothing but sleep, of having headache after headache; I finally have a diagnosis. So this morning I started my medication…a tiny little pill that I will have to take every day for the rest of my life…and you know what, I don’t give a shit that I have to take it everyday. I will gladly step up. I will gladly take that pill each morning and be thankful that someone discovered a treatment for this dysfunction of the body.

I know it may sound a little bit odd to be thankful for a medical disorder, but if you had lived through the last 7 months that I had lived through you would understand. Hell, forget 7 months…let’s go back a couple of years. For three…no more like four years, the workouts have been getting longer and longer, the calorie intake has been getting less and less and the weight has still been getting higher and higher. Then it hit really hard 7 months ago. I felt like I was losing my mind, I could eat nothing and wake up the next day half a pound heavier. I started developing edema. I had headaches all of the time. I basically supported the acetaminophen manufacturers. My body felt unbearably heavy. Basically I was in some form of pain every fucking day…

My first diagnosis in February was, however, anxiety disorder. I was placed on Zoloft and sent on my way. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the side effects of Zoloft…yes, it can promote weight gain…so I was basically adding fuel to an already raging fire. Then a month and a half ago I was switched to a severe PMS diagnosis and put on Wellbutrin. This lasted about, oh say 14 days…although that medication didn’t make it that long…I could just tell that this was not what was wrong and I stopped taking the medication.

I went into the doctor’s office last week and stood my ground. I showed the doctor my legs and said, “this is not caused by anxiety, depression or pms…something is wrong physically and we need to find it.” She listened and ran the blood work.

In defense of doctors, they are not miracle workers, they try their best and basically it is all in the interpretation of evidence. I don’t blame my doctor completely for this roller coaster I have been riding. I had a feeling what was wrong…it runs in my family…I should have stood up in March and demanded the friggin blood work and I didn’t.

The moral is here…don’t be afraid to listen to your body…if you truly believe something is wrong that is being missed…stand up and demand that it be checked.

Oh well, I will keep you posted…hopefully this will be an ongoing improvement process… I know it will.

November 18, 2006

Colbert – George – Matt and a whole lot of rambling…

Filed under: Humor,News and politics,Random Thoughts,Social Commentary — Nony @ 8:25 am

So the Colbert Report this morning really got me. I have been watching him more and more lately. Of course, I don’t seem to have time to watch the show very often, but I have been watching his clips on the internet whenever I manage to click onto my Google Reader. I picked up the feed and have found that it is definitely a way to get my mind off of the overwhelming load of stuff I have to do each day.

I tell you, I have really gotten into Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. They just have a great way of sarcastically looking at what is going on in the world. I know there are people who think they are eroding the sanctity of the news, but let me tell you, with the way the news shows have been eroding themselves, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the least of their problems.

Have you ever noticed – the more ridiculous somebody makes themselves look, the more they scream about other people? They know they are looking like friggin fools. They know that everybody is standing around wondering what the hell they are talking about. So what do they do? They look around for whoever happens to be highlighting their idiocy and they start jumping up and down screaming about how they really aren’t doing anything wrong, it is actually the people who are exposing their problems that are at fault.

Oh well, I guess it is the nature of some humans to do this. I try to combat this in my class every day. A student will get in trouble and immediately it is somebody else’s fault. Don’t you just love it when someone says, “well they made me mad!”

I so exasperate my students because most times I will get both parties together and I will only let each student tell me what they themselves did. If they start rambling off into what the other one did I stop them and tell them that I only want them to tell me what they did. What’s interesting here is that the kids really don’t know how to take responsibility and when I make them step back and look at their role in an event they have too, they have no choice. They have to take ownership of their actions.

Oh well, don’t you just love it when somebody rambles like I have done here today…check out the clip above, it will make you laugh…

November 13, 2006

Stand Still

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nony @ 9:20 pm

Work is not getting done as quickly and as efficiently as I would like…   Leaving me feeling a bit stressed about the ever rising pile of things that I must get done.  I need to step back and figure out a way to get organized.  I have got to put in the time on my required things while I am at work and leave my work at work whenever possible.

Tomorrow I am working until 5…before the monkey is done with afterschool…that will give me an hour or so to get some papers graded.  I am hoping to get this all gelling…

Time just moves too damn quickly…just ask a parent who blinks and wonders how their kid got this big this fast!

November 12, 2006

Filed under: jon stewart,News and politics — Nony @ 12:45 pm

The Question Mark

This is priceless. I have really found that I love Jon Stewart. I mean, think about it, even if you disagree with him, he does make people think.

I have known for a long time that the news services were using the question mark as a way to try and mask a particular bias…hmmm, enough said.

November 11, 2006

Taking Forever

Filed under: Random Thoughts — Nony @ 6:25 pm

There are some things that we set out to do that may just seem nuts to some. My latest undertaking has got to be one of those things. I am in the process of migrating a blog from one place to another…257 posts moving…one by one from one location to another…why? you may ask. In order to protect anonymity. It has come to my attention that someone has discovered who I am and has begun to utilize information from the blog to harass me. This was never the purpose of this blog.

I wanted a place to write and to express my thoughts…not a place to be trapped into a moderated world where I had to be careful with my words. So in order to restore my privacy…I am moving this whole site…one post at a time…it will take some time and eventually I will get there…I hope. Until that time, I am placing the old blog on a standstill…hidden from the world and I am posting to this blog.

Sadly it will mean starting from scratch…my readers will no longer find me… The names have changed… I had no choice…

November 5, 2006

Haggard Confesses

Filed under: News and politics — Nony @ 5:17 pm

Ousted Evangelist Confesses to Followers

Has anybody stopped to think? Why is it the Republicans who cry out so much against gay rights that keep having the homosexual scandals?

My take on it – some of them speak so violently against homosexuality because they are self-loathing of characteristics they possess themselves.

I feel sorry for anyone who would feel the need to live such an obviously conflict ridden life. Now, don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean I am going to go out and vote for any of the current Republicans just because I feel sorry for the ones trapped by their own predjudices. I still have too many diametrically opposing views with that particular party at this time.

Oh well, life goes on…

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